Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Executive Branch

Arizona immigration law sparks controversy                                            

Explanation of Connection: This video relates to the executive branch because Arizona is taking action against illegal immigrants by passing harder measures to this law about illegal immigrants.  400,000 plus immigrants live in the state of Arizona because thats the closest land mark to the United States after the Mexico. This video also states how the police can arrest Illegal Immigrants for numerous reasons. One, no proof of U.S. ID, detaining anyone who suspects to be an illegal immigrant or they arrest any undocumented worker. Immigrants were also getting caught in different places around the state. One farm owner stated that over the past 18 years half a million people were caught on his ranch. The video states that fear can come into other states if Washington doesn't act Soon.

The Executive Branch

Arizona Gay Marriage - Gay Marriage Fight in Arizona November 8, 2006

Explanation of Connection: This article relates to the executive branch because Arizona was fighting an anti-gay marriage ballot in 2006. This law was called proposition 107, the protect marriage amendment. If this is passed domestic partnership benefits would be taken away. But in order to pass this law, the executive branch (president and v. president) must carry out the laws. If this law is passed it will go into the Arizona constitution stating that only men and women are allowed to get married. Unmarried couples with children will also lose there right of having health insurance and domestic laws will not apply to unmarried victims. In The constitution, it states in Article III section 2 that the Judicial Power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority.
I think this law is a law that should not only be passed in Arizona but not in the United States, period. This law to me in my opinion violates the first amendment of the constitution which is free speech. This takes away the way people feel about one another. If two people of the same sex have a certain feeling for each other, they should have the right to be married in my opinion. "Gay people" have rights to in this world like everybody else does and i believe they should have this right

Sunday, October 10, 2010

judicial law

Roe v. Wade in PBS' The Supreme Court                                                                         

Explanation of Connection: This video relates to the judicial branch because in order for this law to be passed. It had to go through the judicial branch only to interpret the laws. First off it talks about a case on abortion and how it came to be a law in the United States.                                                                                                       This all started in Texas named Jane Roe and was pregnant at the age of 21. she did not want to have the baby but was not able to abort the baby because it was illegal. The only way for a woman to abort her child was ONLY if it was to save the mothers life during pregnancy. Harry Blackmun found out about this case eventually. He shared the story with is wife and three daughters and as he shared this information they agreed on abortion for women. On January 22, 1973, the supreme court legalized abortion stating that when the mother is pregnant under three months the baby belongs to the doctors and the mother only and not at all the government. 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Legislative Branch

The United States itself makes laws for the country as a whole to abide to. It might be for indivisuals with disabilities such as senior citizens or children under the age of 18. But sometimes states do make there own laws but cannot go against the constitution, as said in the tenth amendement. For example some states disapprove with smoking tobacco in public places while other states do not. These states make these laws to better the state for people to obey and follow. All statses disapprove of drinking and driving also, because of statistics of people dying in car crashes related to drinking & driving and serious injuries relating to drinking & driving. Most states have laws based on statistics in that certain state as well.

Legislative Branch

As we all know the legislative brance makes laws. Another example of the legislative branch would be a school. The teachers would be the boss in this case because they do make rules for the class other than teach. For example when teachers are in a class doing their jobs, they dislike certain things that students do when they are not suppose to. They make rules for the class to go by. Some students may go by them some may not, some students may not like them and some students probaly won't even care because they go by the rules in the first place. A big issue the teachers might have with the students is TALKING. especially at the wrong time. Also students talking back to teachers, not doing school or homewrok, coming to class late and etc. The teacher make rules for students to apply by and if they disobey them, there are serious sometimes minor consiquences.

Legislative Branch

The Legislative Branch is made up of the Congress, the House of Representatives, and the Senate. This branch is basically in charge of passing laws. The word "Legislate" in Legislative means law. The government is made up of three branches and this is one of the three. So for example in a house whole. The parents will most likely become the Legislative Branch. Why? Laws made by parents are called rules. For example, the children of the parents may have a certain time for them to be out the house. This would be called a curfew. Another maybe to make sure the children in the house do certain house work. Such as take the trash out, doing dishes, cook, clean and etc. this would be called chores. Also the parents make sure that the children may have the proper manners around the house and to people around them. Such as Chewing food with mouth close, elbows off the table when eating, no foul language, and hygiene. This would be called Respect and responsibilities.

Monday, September 6, 2010

X Amendment

The tenth amendment says that states are able to make laws ONLY for that respective state and it can not go against the constitution. This basically means that states can make any laws that they choose for that state. For example they can approve or disapprove of gay marriage because it does not go against anything in the Constitution. But a state can not make a law stating that people are not aloud to bear arms. Thats a violation of the second amendment. Which is is part of the Constitution.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

You are innocent until proven...GUILTY!

The Fifth Amendment clearly states,  you cannot be tried for the same crime twice, nor can you be forced to testify against yourself in the court of law. You are also innocent after convicted of any crime in the United States, until proven guilty. A person can not be tried for the same law twice. This is called double jeopardy. If convicted the second time, the person can plead autrefois acquit or autrefois convict; which means that the person being tried has been acquitted or convicted of the same offence before. When a person is arressted nad is read the miranda rights, "You have the right to remain silence..." and so on. The person IS innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. for example if Jim was arrested for killing his wife, in which by the way he did, he's still innocent in a way. Until he goes to court and the judge says, "Guilty."


Uh...We have a warrent for your arrest...I think

Specifically the Fourth Amendment is the right of people and to protect the personals of people against searches without a reasonable warrent. Which means in order for any type of search from any officer or any government official, they must have a warrent of some sort at the time. It affects us today because criminals all around the world are being searched for to be brought to justice, but not just criminals. People who owe the government or city money and have not paid in a certain amount of time and people who might be suspected for some reason or may have a connection with some crime. These are the type of people who most likely are being sesarched for right now! Without warrents, the world today would be chaos. People would most likely get convicted for the wrong crime that has nothing to do with them, they might be associated but not the criminal. People's houses will get searched and gone through without the proper manner. Also peoples personal belongings might get searched through such as documents, letters, things of that such.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Got Guns?

The Second Amendment of the United States is the right to bear arms. Which means people are allowed to have guns or any other fired weapons under a license. Recently Chicago had a fire initiative where citizens of Chicago were to turn in all guns that they owned from hand guns to machine guns just to get the weapons off the street. This insures the safety of many civilians today, but at what cost? The violence in the streets of Chicago mostly is from gun violence. Could the second amendment really be affecting the life's of Chicago today? Are people taking advantage of this constitutional law? Or are they abusing this law for personal reason. At the same time this law is helpful to to inocent people also for various reasons. For example, burglary is a big issue also in the world. But if thats an issue, what can the home owners do to stop this trend? The owners most likely will keep guns in gthe house for safety. Even though this law seems to be fifty fifty, for positive and negative use. How can people today make it just a positive use?

Free Speech? Wait, There's a catch.

What is free speech?  Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak without censorship or limitation. In other words a person can speck freely as long as its not offensive towards anyone. Issues like Gay Marriage is a huge part of what Freedom of Speech is today, especially in California's predicament today. Gay marriage is an example of free speech because one, that's how people feel. If the same sex wants to marry why shouldn't they? Who's to say that gay marriage isn't right? Two, its not offending anyone. In what way does gay marriage at all offend people? If different sex have the right to marry why shouldnt same sex have the same. In today's society, we can find plenty of issues with Freedom of speech. Its not just all about what people say and how people say things, its also about how people feel and the opinions towards certain things emotionaloly and physically.
What is Proposition 8?