Sunday, August 22, 2010

Free Speech? Wait, There's a catch.

What is free speech?  Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak without censorship or limitation. In other words a person can speck freely as long as its not offensive towards anyone. Issues like Gay Marriage is a huge part of what Freedom of Speech is today, especially in California's predicament today. Gay marriage is an example of free speech because one, that's how people feel. If the same sex wants to marry why shouldn't they? Who's to say that gay marriage isn't right? Two, its not offending anyone. In what way does gay marriage at all offend people? If different sex have the right to marry why shouldnt same sex have the same. In today's society, we can find plenty of issues with Freedom of speech. Its not just all about what people say and how people say things, its also about how people feel and the opinions towards certain things emotionaloly and physically.
What is Proposition 8?

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